Content Launcher

The Content Launcher will appear showing you all of the content that the Instructor has added to your class.

Click on the desired icon to launch the content.

If you get disconnected

If you accidentally close your browser or have some other interruption, you can usually get back right back into your training.

Just log in again to and select the same class.  The system should be right where you left it.  That should work for about 15-30 minutes depending on the system settings.

When Finished

When you are completely finished working on all the content in a class, close down the streaming instance using the End Session button in the drop down in the top-right corner.

This will properly close the streaming instance. 

If you do not close here, the instance could run for another 30 minutes before it times out which is wasteful.

Also, if you try to go into another class without having done an End Session on the previous class, there can be trouble.

Web Browser Zoom

The web browser's zoom feature can significantly effect the visual quality of the streaming instance.

The default of 100% is normally ideal.  However it is possible, and fairly common for Windows to have a desktop setting the text size adjustment like this:

For Google Chrome and other Chromium based browsers, like Microsoft Edge, the Virtual Classroom system includes and automatic adjustments to continue to work correctly.

However, Mozilla Firefox does not allow fixing this programmatically, so instead there is a warning system in place that lets the student know if they should increase or decrease the zoom factor for the ideal visual quality.

On the lesson selection screen the zoom level can be adjusted with CTRL+Mousewheel.

When the session has started, it may be necessary to use the Firefox setting menu zoom controls

When the correct zoom level has been achieved, the warning will disappear.

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